Thursday, November 19, 2020

Spark 5G race zone

 Kia ora bloggers,

Last week year 5 and 6 went to Spark 5G ( fifth Generations) race zone. When we where on our way to Spark zone we were so excited  but I was sad because the years 4 did not come because year 5 and 6 were offered to come.

When we got there we were separated  out into  five group's and then they told us some cool activity that we would be doing today. After they finished talking we went with a lady called Jess and  she took us to ASB  and she also worked for a company called Genesis. When we got there we got to  drive some cool Sp hero's.  They told all about Sp hero's straight away and  we also watched a cool video .

Something I liked about it was watching the video and playing with the Sp hero's.

What I learnt from the other session was fun but hard because we had to try and control the boat but I was so confused because i got mixed up where to go because when they say left I would go left but keep on going around in circle. 

I really like the ASB one as well because it was so fun  and I hoped you enjoyed reading my blog and here are  that we took at the spark zone I hope you enjoy looking at them and thank you so much Genesis and Spark zone for take us!!!!


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